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October 19, 2005



O.K. Kelly! You must have cat-like qualities, because I did not hear a thing as you crept into my house and took that picture!!! Please let me know what the booklet said once you have read it. I, too, could use the help!!!


I have read the book...it isn't all that helpful. I knew and agreed with everything in it... you know it too, we just don't do it (or only do it for a day or two). I think the key is this...don't have it so out in the open! Hide your scary bowl!! :)

Bob Watkins

Ah! Something important for the male reader. Looks like you have identified where the two missing "clickers" are.

Neil Craigan

If this is such a scary bowl I can help you out. I could use those inflation needles!
Love the picture, we don't have a bowl, we have a drawer. My mother always had a "junk" drawer in the kitchen and my father would always empty it and we would invariably lose some very important items.

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